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Posts from This Journal “социолухия” Tag
Jordan Peterson: IQ, Race, Gender, Crime & The "Jewish Question"
Americana: LIFE IN 1904
The average life expectancy in America was 47. Only 14% of the homes in the U.S. had a bathtub. 18% of American households had at least 1 full-time…
Nick Hanauer, "Beware, fellow plutocrats, the pitchforks are coming"
Бонусы: - https://www.ted.com/talks/chrystia_freeland_the_rise_of_the_new_global_super_rich -…
2017 Social Progress Index
Gross Domestic Product has become the yardstick by which we measure a country’s success - But GDP isn’t the best way to measure a good society. -…
Богатые живут дольше
In 1980 - the richest cohort of middle-age American men could expect to live until about 83 - the poorest, to 76 By 2010 - the richest American…
Minnesota militia group says they're ready for 'civil war'
__________________________________ Бонусы: - Калифорния: http://www.gopusa.com/jerry-brown-trump-going-to-war-with-california/
The "Greatest" Generation
Although Brokaw claims that the generation that fought for US in WW2 was the greatest any society has produced - militarily this view has not…
идея о 2х типах наций - свободных и несвободных
почерпнута у непримиримого противника марксизма, ... философа Карла Поппера (1902–1994) - автора учения о закрытых и открытых обществах. -…
экономические графики
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