Ходжа Н. (hojja_nusreddin) wrote,
Ходжа Н.

Patient's Opinion About Physician's Aid in Dying

To: Dr. Painkiller
From: Mr. Impatient
Re: Patient's Opinion About Physician's Aid in Dying

Dear Dr. Painkiller,

I wish to inform you that I believe in and fully support the concept of physician's aid in dying for individuals, who are terminally ill.
I have thoroughly considered this issue, and I believe that I have the right to control the time and manner of my own death.

If a time comes when I am suffering from an incurable and terminal illness, and choose to end my suffering, I wish to have physician’s aid in dying.

I am not suggesting that you do anything that would be considered illegal or unethical, while I am in your care.

I have completed a Living Will and a Power of Attorney for Health Care. I am providing you with notarized copies of each document.

I realize, however, that withholding / withdrawing medical treatment as authorized by these documents may not shorten the time of my dying as I wish.
Regardless of whether or not such withholding / withdrawing would affect my time of dying, I want the option of physician aid in dying.

Respectfully yours,

________________ _______
Impatient's Name . . . Date

Attached: copies of my Living Will & Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care
Advance Directives Packet by Hemlock Society: http://www.docstoc.com/docs/155454810/Advance-Directives-Packet-Items-include---Hemlock-Society
Tags: болезнь, боль, врач, лекарство, помощь, самоубийство, смерть

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