1. Walk Toward the Fire - you can't avoid the battle. 2. Frame the opponent's personal agenda - by taking away the facade of their false…
While it may be impossible to create a fully-working and self-aware digital version of yourself with current technology - you are most likely --…
Methodology: - Data on probability of automation are from "The Future of Employment: How Susceptible Are Jobs to Computerization?" (by Carl Frey…
Если собрать все прогнозы, сделанные Курцвейлом за 20 лет, можно заметить, что будущее с 2019 по 2099 ученый расписал буквально по годам. 2019 –…
The United States government has granted patent approval to at least 175 inventions and technologies that are officially recognized to control or…
A Man from Michigan shows a forgotten technology of how to move and lift giant stones by hand. I feel all those years at school were wasted being…