Posts from This Journal “белаяРаса” Tag
Белые раджи (Бруки)
(англ. White Rajas) — династия королей Саравака — англичан, правившая с 1841 по 1941 год и в 1946 году. Раджи и годы их правления 1. Сэр Джеймс…
разрушительный еврейский "юмор"
сельхоз-новость: 15 тыщ буров-фермеров из Южной Африки просят в России убежища от негров
A delegation of 30 South African farming families has arrived in Russia’s farmbelt Stavropol region, Rossiya 1 TV channel reports. The group says…
Incel (дрищ)
Incels (a portmanteau of "involuntary celibates") are self-identifying members of an online subculture: - who define themselves as unable to find…
китайская месть белому человеку: ссылка в Детройт :)
Бонус: детройтские домишки ценою в $1
Liberal Academia Brings Backs Segregated Pool Parties on Campus
A private college in California will be hosting a pool party later today at which white people will be excluded - with only “people who identify…
Identitarian movement
The identitarian movement (otherwise known as Identitarianism) - is a European and North American white nationalist movement, - originating in…
Joobin Bekhrad, "Leonardo DiCaprio can’t play Rumi because he wasn’t white – or was he?"
Leonardo DiCaprio for Rumi? The word on the street – or the internet, rather – is that - "Gladiator"'s screenwriter David Franzoni has his eyes…
Флоридский школьный расстрел и шериф-скот Израиль
“It absolutely outrages me that on the CNN town hall, we had the sheriff who was virtue signaling against the NRA and against guns when he didn’t…
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